Wednesday, June 3, 2009

John Moore on Google Wave as a CRM solution for Small Businesses

Could Google Wave offer be a starting basis for customer relationship management software ?

John Moore puts up some valid points why it could, and people are discussing about it.

One of the main issues in current CRM systems, is that they are database driven, where the web front end offers nice search, browse, reporting and entry functions into that database. The idea is that information, arriving in email, gets somehow structured and entered in that database. Some systems already have integration, where all emails from and to a contact, are automatically stored within the entity of that contact.

But to my knowledge, there are no systems that automatically extract and synthesize information from those emails.

In my opinion, Google Wave, and bots that sit on the wave can play an important role here. Sure, the backend can still be a database, but how information gets in there, from a conversation or dialogue, can be heavily optimized.

John also indicates that access control is a question mark, and would like to see folder-like permissions. To some extent, I agree ... but wouldn't it be great if the wave thinking, would enter the CRM thinking, instead of vice versa. If you're not on the wave, you don't have access. Or is that too simplistic ?

Looking forward to elaborate more CRM ideas.

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